Carpet Manufacturer for Georgia
Carpet Manufacturer for Georgia

Carpet Manufacturer for Georgia

Melikhan Carpets is one of the leading carpet and rug producers and suppliers for Georgia!
Being a trusted provider of high-quality products in the local market showcases the company's
expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional carpets and rugs.’

Biggest Carpet Manufacturer and Exporter In Turkey

Carpet Manufacturer for Georgia

Melikhan Carpets is one of the leading carpet and rug producers and suppliers for Georgia!
Being a trusted provider of high-quality products in the local market showcases the company's
expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional carpets and rugs.’

Biggest Carpet Manufacturer and Exporter In Turkey
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Melikhan Carpet Manufacturing Company's use of the latest technology van de Wiele looms and featured machines highlights its commitment to innovation and flexibility in producing customized carpets and rugs for customers in Georgia.

Working with a professional manufacturer like Melikhan Carpets is crucial for ensuring sustainable craftsmanship quality in the production of carpets and rugs. Here's why:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Professional manufacturers, such as Melikhan Carpets, have the expertise and experience in the industry. They possess in-depth knowledge of materials, techniques, and design principles necessary to create high-quality carpets. Their skilled artisans and craftsmen have honed their craft over time, ensuring that every step of the manufacturing process meets the highest standards.
  2. Sustainable Craftsmanship: Professional manufacturers prioritize sustainable craftsmanship, which involves using quality materials, employing skilled artisans, and adhering to ethical and environmentally friendly practices. This focus on sustainability ensures that the carpets produced are durable, long-lasting, and responsibly manufactured.
  3. Customized Color and Dye Choices: Melikhan Carpets understands the importance of customized color and dye choices to meet market needs. By closely monitoring market trends and consumer preferences, professional manufacturers can offer a wide range of color options that align with current demands. This customization allows buyers to select carpets with colors that complement their interior designs and cater to specific market segments.
  4. Appropriate Patterns for Target Markets: Professional manufacturers, like Melikhan Carpets, carefully consider the patterns they offer to appeal to their target markets. They conduct market research to understand local preferences and design carpets with patterns that resonate with the intended audience. This attention to detail ensures that the carpets produced align with market demands and customer expectations.

By working with a professional manufacturer like Melikhan Carpets, buyers can have confidence in the sustainable craftsmanship, customized color choices, and appropriate patterns that cater to their market needs. This partnership allows buyers to access high-quality carpets that are not only visually appealing but also meet their specific requirements and contribute to the success of their businesses.



Why Do Our Customer Chooes Us When Buying Carpets and Rugs ?

  • A Turkish Tradition & Family Business

  • Competitive Price / Differentiated Quality

  • Countless Carpet / Rug types and Quality Options

  • High Variety of Yarn & Color Option

As Melikhan Carpet

The main mission of our company

to continuously renew ourselves with the lowest cost possible without compromising customer satisfaction.

"Melikhan Carpet is one of the leading carpet manufacturer company located in Turkey/Gaziantep serving the carpet production sector with it 16 looms with different reeds and widths since 1989. Currently our company is exporting its carpets to wholesalers more than 20 countries in the World."


Melikhan Carpets' ability to offer customized quality and personalized service according to market and customer realities sets it apart from larger manufacturers. The company's commitment to meeting individual needs and fostering customized relationships brings several advantages:

  1. Market and Customer Focus: Melikhan Carpets prioritizes understanding the unique realities of the market and individual customer requirements. By frequently visiting markets alongside distributors, the company gains firsthand insights into the specific needs of retailers and consumers. This market-oriented approach allows Melikhan Carpets to tailor its products and services to better meet the demands of the market.
  2. Specialized Service: By evaluating and performing each business transaction separately, Melikhan Carpets can provide a more personalized and tailored service to its customers. This flexibility enables the company to adapt its offerings to meet individual requirements, whether it's regarding product specifications, pricing, or delivery options. Customers appreciate the individual attention and specialized service they receive, leading to stronger relationships and customer loyalty.
  3. Agility and Responsiveness: Melikhan Carpets' approach of individually evaluating and performing each transaction allows for agility and responsiveness. Unlike larger manufacturers with unwieldy structures, Melikhan Carpets can quickly adapt to customer needs, market fluctuations, and industry trends. This agility helps the company stay competitive and respond effectively to changing market demands.
  4. Customized Relationships: Creating customized relationships with wholesalers provides unique advantages in market competition. By understanding the specific needs and preferences of individual wholesalers, Melikhan Carpets can offer personalized support, pricing, and services. This level of customization fosters stronger partnerships, builds trust, and gives wholesalers unrivaled advantages in their respective markets.

By offering customized quality, personalized service, and creating customized relationships, Melikhan Carpets establishes itself as a customer-centric and agile manufacturer. The company's commitment to understanding market realities and individual customer requirements allows it to deliver tailored solutions and build long-term partnerships based on trust and mutual success.


Melikhan Carpets sets itself apart from other carpet manufacturers through several distinguishing factors:

  1. Customization: Melikhan Carpets excels in offering customization options to its customers. The company understands that different markets and customers have unique requirements, and it strives to meet those needs by providing tailored solutions. From customized color choices to personalized patterns and designs, Melikhan Carpets goes the extra mile to create carpets that align with specific preferences and market demands.
  2. Market and Customer Focus: The company's commitment to understanding market realities and customer preferences is a key differentiating factor. Melikhan Carpets frequently visits markets alongside distributors, allowing them to gain firsthand insights into the needs and preferences of retailers and consumers. This market-oriented approach enables the company to design and manufacture carpets that are specifically targeted to appeal to their intended audience.
  3. Individualized Service: Melikhan Carpets evaluates and performs each business transaction separately, rather than following unwieldy structures often found in larger manufacturers. This allows the company to provide a more personalized and tailored service to its customers. By adapting to individual requirements and preferences, Melikhan Carpets creates a customer-centric experience that fosters strong relationships and customer loyalty.
  4. Agility and Responsiveness: Compared to larger manufacturers, Melikhan Carpets possesses a nimble and responsive approach. Its ability to quickly adapt to customer needs, market fluctuations, and industry trends gives the company a competitive advantage. This agility allows Melikhan Carpets to stay ahead of the curve and respond effectively to changing market demands, ensuring its offerings remain relevant and appealing.
  5. Focus on Sustainable Craftsmanship: Melikhan Carpets places a strong emphasis on sustainable craftsmanship. The company is committed to using quality materials, employing skilled artisans, and adhering to ethical and environmentally friendly practices. This commitment ensures that the carpets produced are not only of high quality but also responsibly manufactured, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable products.

These factors, including customization, market and customer focus, individualized service, agility, and sustainability, differentiate Melikhan Carpets from other carpet manufacturers. By combining these elements, Melikhan Carpets creates a unique value proposition that appeals to customers looking for tailored, high-quality carpets that meet their specific needs.

Melikhan Carpets appeals to a range of customers, but it particularly caters to those who prioritize immediate responsive solutions and value customer satisfaction. Here are some specific customer groups that may prefer to work with Melikhan Carpets:

  1. Retailers and Wholesalers: Retailers and wholesalers who value prompt and efficient problem-solving are likely to prefer Melikhan Carpets. These customers may encounter sudden issues, such as changes in demand or stock shortages, and they rely on the company's responsiveness to provide quick solutions. Melikhan Carpets' commitment to customer satisfaction and strict quality control mechanism ensures that retailers and wholesalers can rely on the company for consistent, high-quality products.
  2. Interior Designers and Architects: Professionals in the interior design and architectural industries often seek out manufacturers that can deliver customized solutions. Melikhan Carpets' ability to provide customized color choices, patterns, and designs makes it an attractive choice for interior designers and architects looking to create unique and tailored spaces. The company's focus on customer satisfaction and quality control ensures that the final products meet the high standards expected in these industries.
  3. Hospitality and Commercial Sectors: The hospitality and commercial sectors, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, and offices, require durable and aesthetically pleasing carpets that can withstand heavy foot traffic. Melikhan Carpets' strict quality control mechanisms ensure that the carpets produced are built to last and meet the demands of these high-traffic environments. The company's ability to offer customized solutions also appeals to establishments that want to create a unique and visually appealing ambiance.
  4. Residential Customers: Homeowners who value personalized and high-quality carpets for their living spaces may choose Melikhan Carpets. The company's focus on customization allows homeowners to select carpets that match their specific color preferences, interior design styles, and desired patterns. By maintaining strict quality control during production, Melikhan Carpets ensures that residential customers receive carpets that not only enhance the aesthetics of their homes but also provide long-lasting durability.

In summary, customers who prioritize immediate responsive solutions, value customer satisfaction, and seek high-quality products are likely to prefer working with Melikhan Carpets. The company's ability to provide customization, strict quality control, and a focus on customer needs contribute to its success in satisfying the demands of various customer groups.

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